Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Delight


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1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
2 cups fresh strawberries, washed and hulled
2 cups heavy cream, chilled
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Optional: additional strawberries for garnish

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Puree the fresh strawberries in a blender or food processor until smooth. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract. Mix well.
In a separate mixing bowl, whip the chilled heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
Gently fold the strawberry puree into the whipped cream until fully incorporated.
Gradually add the condensed milk mixture to the strawberry-whipped cream mixture, folding gently until smooth and uniform in color.
Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container, smoothing the top with a spatula.
Cover the container and freeze for at least 6 hours or until firm.


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