An easy way to preserve lemons, the grandma way

Preserving lemons is a simple and effective way to keep their vibrant flavor alive all year long. With just a few ingredients and a little patience, you can follow your grandmother’s lead and create a versatile and delicious addition to your dishes.


Coarse salt

Clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid

Fresh lemons


  • Clean and Cut the Lemons* Rinse the lemons thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt. Cut each lemon into quarters, keeping the base intact.
  • Fill the Jar* Add a layer of coarse salt to the bottom of the jar. Pack the lemon quarters tightly into the jar, pressing them down firmly to release their juices. Continue layering with salt between each addition of lemons.
  • Seal the Jar* Close the jar tightly to prevent air from entering. Store the jar in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cupboard.
  • Wait and Use* Allow the lemons to preserve for at least one month before using them. When ready, rinse off any excess salt under cold water, slice, and use in your recipes.

Tip* These preserved lemons add a bright, tangy flavor to a wide variety of dishes. With this easy method, you’ll always have lemons on hand for culinary use!

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